How To Participate

Step by step to schedule your intensive:

If you’re ready to book an intensive program, start by leaving us a message with your details. You can do this by scrolling to the end of this page where you’ll find a dedicated space to include your information. Within one week, expect to receive an email containing comprehensive information about our intensive programs.

To determine if your child is a suitable candidate for our Intensive, proceed to the second step by filling out our health form available at this link. Ensure you have all necessary documentation ready for upload, including:

  • Doctor’s reports with diagnosis and PT prescription
  • Picture and a written report on recent hip x-rays (within the last 6 months); spinal x-rays may be required in cases of scoliosis
  • Most current reports and Home Exercise Program from previous intensives
  • Videos of your child performing regular activities: rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, etc.

Upon submitting your paperwork, our team will review your documents within a week. If your child is deemed a good candidate, our therapist will reach out to discuss and craft a perfect, individualized plan for their intensive program, determining when the intensive will take place.

After confirming the program details, you will receive an invoice for a $1,000 security deposit. Your spot is secured once the deposit is paid within the invoice due date. It’s crucial to adhere to this timeline; otherwise, your spot may be forfeited. The remaining balance is due in the last week of the intensive program.

Let's Start Training?

If you would like to book an intensive program, please leave us a message and a person of Neurowerks team will reach out as soon as possible.